First Nations Chief Give Approval to Alternative Chicago Blackhawks Logo

Posted: November 23, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

A culturally appropriate alternative to the Chicago Blackhawks logo by Ojibway artist Mike Ivall that went viral has received approval from the First Nations community.

In US gambling news, the proposed alternative Chicago Blackhawks logo has the support of the First Nations. Quebec’s top First Nations chief, Ghislain Picard, says he finds the Blackhawk’s current design—which features an aboriginal warrior with face paint and a feathered war bonnet—offensive, and considers Ivall’s design of an actual black hawk to be more appropriate and respectful to his people. His sentiments are largely shared by the greater First Nations community.

The proposed new Chicago Blackhawks logo was first introduced by Winnipeg radio hosts Tom and Larry on October 29th. Since then, it went viral on social media, with over 2 million views and 18,000 shares on Facebook. It has received widespread praise for its sharp design and cultural appropriateness.

Less attention should be paid to potential Chicago Blackhawks logo, more to reserves

Ivall, the artist of the alternative Chicago Blackhawks logo, said that he created the image in 2007 with the feelings of the First Nations people in mind. He told the Huffington Post that: “At the time I was just learning how to use Illustrator and I know how some natives are a little against the native imagery and stuff like that, so I thought, ‘Let’s try something out and be literal about it.’”

Ivall adds that while he appreciates the praise he’s received for the design from fans of hockey and online sportsbooks in US, and believes that the image is more appropriate than the current Chicago Blackhawks logo, that more attention should be paid to the actual First Nations people and their quality of life.

“I’d rather us put all the effort into trying to figure how to fix our communities. People are boiling water on reserves and you want to worry about an image of a logo?”
says Ivall.

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