Excitement Returns To F1 – Hamilton Winning, Verstappen Losing


Posted: July 29, 2024

Updated: July 29, 2024

  • Russel got disqualified after winning the Belgian GP
  • Ferrari is back, Red Bull is going down
  • Excitement returns to F1

Join us if you are interested in F1, as there are countless amounts of different changes that just happened in the competition under a few Grand Prix events. First things first, Verstappen is on a lose streak, after breaking records on the most wins achieved by a single driver. Thus, we believe that excitement returns to F1 under a brand new competition, happening between four teams for the first place.

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Excitement returns to F1 as we are experiencing a great reset in the F1 competition. At the beginning of the season, it was nothing but Max Verstappen. As the season started to progress, Ferrari was the first to start competing with Verstappen, and then later McLaren took over for a brief period. Finally, we saw the first breakthrough when McLaren had a rightful victory against Verstappen, but Ferrari fell back due to engine adaptability issues.

Shortly after this, Mercedes made a huge comeback from a nearly impossible position, winning two GP-s so far. Ferrari is also back on track, while Verstappen is on a setback. Thus, F1 has never been this exciting before! If you are interested in betting on F1, then we highly recommend you register at some of the online sportsbook sites in the Netherlands.

Excitement Returns To F1 After The Belgian GP

The reason why we believe that this is one of the best times in F1 history is because any of the top 7 F1 drivers can win a GP at this point. We even experienced a penalty that stripped a winner away from 1st place. It left Russell demotivated, but his teammate at least won the event. However, the whole F1 committee agrees that this mistake was an honest mistake. Thus, it was not some scandal from Mercedes.

The Belgian GP was a harbinger to the upcoming era which is going to set the race for a new era in F1 racing. We expected Verstappen to dominate the rest of the season, and it is undeniable that he is still going to remain a main opponent for all drivers. On the other hand, everyone is trying to best him at the moment. If you are interested in betting on the best odds available, we recommend you register at VBET Sportsbook!

Russel disqualified after winning GP

The Tightest Competition Ever

As we said earlier, the competition is becoming rather tight. We believe that it hasn’t been this exciting in the brief history of F1 as it is right now. It came at the perfect time for F1, as fans have already started to debate that the sport died due to Verstappen’s dominance. Therefore, we believe that excitement returns to F1 from the Dutch GP. Of course, if Verstappen wins that one, fans are going to be a little bored once more.

However, it is one of the most important races for Verstappen, as he is the master of the Dutch competition. Hamilton is back again, after a whole champion era, he is still hungry for victory, and the competition clearly states that he will be in the best place in Ferrari for the next year.

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Russell Won, But Got Disqualified – Excitement Returns To F1

One of the highlights of this race was the fact that Russell won the event. According to Formula 1, Russell’s car was considered to be lighter than the rules allow, and for this they disqualified him. However, Russell was unhappy about this, making everyone realize that it was an honest mistake by the Mercedes team who failed to realize the light car in time.

Everyone has apologized to him, but on the other hand, others are proud of Mercedes for how well they managed to improve their car. To understand the reason, take a look at our article where we had the F1 car structure explained. Essentially, Russell’s performance was great, but his car was lighter than allowed, and the ban was rightful.

Mercedes is winning once more!

Hamilton As New Winner, Ferrari Is Back!

Of course, the disqualification of Russel made the second place jump to the first, which gave Hamilton another GP victory. The Mercedes fans can celebrate, as both Mercedes drivers became winners of this event. According to the Motorsport, Ferrari is not truly pleased, even if Leclerc became 3rd place in the end. Leclerc was starting in a poll position because Verstappen had received a 10-placement penalty for the starting position during the qualifying game.

Essentially, we believe that Ferrari is back on track, but now they have to face both Verstappen, Mercedes, and of course, McLaren who keeps being a chaotic force in the competition. The excitement returns to F1 as it is one of the most complex issues introduced for each team, with everyone having one goal: To reach the first place.

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Verstappen Struggling – Excitement Returns To F1

Finally, we have yet to discuss the fact that Verstappen is struggling, and some of us are extremely happy about this. As much as it is a hit for Red Bull fans, Verstappen’s dominance on the field became a little boring. We are happy to see other teams finally catching up and making some results in terms of GP wins. Unfortunately, the lower teams remain unchanged, as they have a steady spot at the final placements.

During the last race, we saw the teammates racing against each other behind, while the truly exciting moments happened in the front. According to the GPBlog, Verstappen’s setback is not truly damaging to Red Bull, even if he is on a losing streak. In truth, he is collecting points, and he is still in a gigantic advantage against other teams on the World Championship scoreboard.

Verstappen losing streak

How To Bet On F1 Onwards?

As excitement returns to F1, we highly recommend bettors who lost interest in the motor racing category return and make another bet. This time, the bookies are going to bring some of the most valuable odds, and yes, even Verstappen will receive better odds than he did before. While it is harder to make predictions right now, at least the odds are going to be worth more than just a simple 0.75 return for your cash.

Essentially, we predict that this is going to be a brief Hamilton era, with Ferrari pushing again now and then, racing with McLaren. In the long run, we think that Verstappen will still win the championship, but we are going to see much more Red Bull losses, as other manufacturers figure out what it was that has given Red Bull its gigantic advantage. If you are interested in wagering on F1, we recommend you register at VBET Sportsbook!

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