Don’t Bet On Doctor Who Doing The Obvious Next

Posted: July 5, 2017

Updated: October 4, 2017

With the ire of the public now so readily available on social media like Twitter and Facebook the old trope of waiting for the reviews to come in no longer applies, they’re already here and typically quote outspoken. Never more so, of course, than when the BBC starts choosing a new actor for their flagship sci-fi vehicle, but can we really bet on Doctor Who being played by the slightly damp homicide detective from a Caribbean island or is there about to be a woman’s touch in the TARDIS?

Doctor Who: An Institution

  • Kids sci-fi drama
  • 1963-1989
  • 2005-present day
  • 12 Regenerations

Who’s The Next Who?

Fans of Doctor Who, a British science fiction television show as old as the universe that involves an improbably regenerative ‘time lord’ and his travels through time and space in what traditionally appears as a 1950s Police Box, are a strange bunch. The show has been so many epochs of its own that it now resembles the evolution of a religion and its adherents who have suffered so much down the years now grumble constantly regardless and you can bet on Doctor Who changing guises again to rouse the beast.

Anyone in the UK gambling news of a new Doctor Who won’t make the headlines fails to understand just what a place it holds in the fabric of Britain. Beginning with William Hartnell in 1963 the time travel adventures aimed at a kids audience tripped along just till the 1980s when sad influences upon it all but destroyed its charm and character, finally forcing it off the air. It’s revival sixteen years later under the management of Steven Moffat was a true phoenix like rebirth and a popular one at that.

”Chap With Wings, There. Five Rounds Rapid” – Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Tom Rosenhalt

David Tennant took a mastery turn at the helm of the TARDIS and whilst you can bet on Doctor Who fans of a certain age never agreeing that anyone but Tom Baker is the “real” Doctor Who the youth of today are awfully fond of their incarnations and the actors responsible like Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi. The superficial changes of style that come with each new “regeneration” a bizarre window into the times they were incumbent each new Doctor Who an odd litmus test of the age, hence the interest in who’s next.

UK gambling law permits placing a bet on Doctor Who casting choices, and whilst this might not be the wager of a hardened gambler those of us who like the occasional flutter might find some small measure of amusement backing our preferred choice at Bet365 online. With speculation rife and a clear favorite already emerging there’s as much trade on the next time lord as there is on the winner of Big Brother or Love Island, but unlike those televisual buckets of vomit Doctor Who might surprise you.

Bet On Doctor Who At Bet365

Next Doctor Who

  • James Norton – 7/1
  • Tilda Swinton – 7/1
  • Tom Rosenthal – 5/1
  • Phoebe Waller-Bridge – 5/2
  • Kris Marsahall – Evens

Peter Capaldi was a brave choice given his most notable role was that of the uber-sweary and definitely not-safe-for-kids Malcom Tucker in The Thick Of It, but he took to the role just fine, and so whilst the bookies might think it’s all sewn up, you can never be too sure. Bet365 might be giving Kris Marshall Evens to take the role, but after his sterling work in Death In Paradise he must be getting lots of offers and I wouldn’t bet on Doctor Who having a budget to match some of the gigs he’ll be up for right now.

James Norton and Tilda Swinton both get a 7/1 shot at Bet365, but that’s generous, and Tom Rosenthal might get 5/1 but he might be too quirky to give it the teeth Moffat wants the show to have, which just leaves Marshall with the competition from Phoebe Waller-Bridge who at 5/2 is a good punt, she was great in Fleabag and you can bet on Doctor Who going female sometime, so why not now? No? Oh well then go and place a bet on sports in the UK instead and leave us Whovians to our little moment of fun.

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