Democrats Have To Bet On Beto O’Rourke Winning In Texas

Posted: September 23, 2021

Updated: October 8, 2021

  • Texas Gubernatorial Election 2022 Odds Change
  • Find The Best Bet On Beto O’Rourke At Bovada
  • Celebrity Centrism Could Doom Democrat Hopes
Beto O’Rourke in’16 – Image source: Flickr

Any Democrat running for Governor in Texas faces an uphill struggle. A State willing to elect George W Bush, Rick Perry and Greg Abbott is firmly in the red column. So you can bet on Beto O’Rourke to have quite the time as he runs in 2022. Indeed the Texas GOP already see him as the biggest threat to their grip on power. Because he is. Hence, you can find such good odds on the 2022 Texas Gubernatorial election going his way at online betting sites in the US like Bovada.

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The Texas GOP have already taken steps to make voting as difficult as possible, especially for likely Democrat voters. They talk about election fraud as if it existed, which it doesn’t, and strangle the political process for partisan gain. Of course, sometimes people find a blistering attack stiffens their resolve. It is on that basis the Democrats have bet on Beto O’Rourke to take on Greg Abbott and his minions. The flagrant lurch to the right has energized the opposition.

Naturally, the de-facto over turning of Roe vs Wade has helped. Talk about a trigger issue. You can bet on Beto O’Rourke mentioning abortion in every stump speech for the next year. We’re likely to see an expansion of turn out due to that one issue alone, and most of it Democrat. So, whilst the odds on Greg Abbott are currently better, at online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada, they won’t stay that way. Bookies give fair odds on Beto O’Rourke winning this one.   

Bet On The 2022 Texas Gubernatorial Election At Bovada

Unless, of course, a Hollywood celebrity decides to get involved, split the vote and hand it all back to the GOP. Matthew McConaughey, actor and well-known spelling error, is considering running too. Mostly likely as a centrist candidate. Want to bet on Beto O’Rourke liking that idea? No, neither do I. The Democrats don’t need competition in this race, and you can expect the other Democrat faces to pull out in due course. But does McConaughey really want to be that guy?  

Texas Governor Odds 2022

  • Wendy Davis – 20/1
  • Joaquin Castro – 20/1
  • Julian Castro – 16/1
  • Matthew McConaughey – 11/2
  • Beto O’Rourke – 9/1
  • Greg Abbott – 2/5

Probably not. It’ll do him no favors. No one believes Hollywood is run by Republicans. So whilst the bookies still give him 11/2 to win, chances are he’ll back off now. He may even bet on Beto O’Rourke in a public manner instead. You can always bet on US politics displaying a fair amount of pragmatism. Still that just makes the race for Texas governor a more interesting bet on politics in the US. Many pundits will see it as a litmus for other hardline red states who’ve pushed their luck.

Bet On Beto O’Rourke
McConaughey a decade ago – Image source: Flickr

A Bet On Beto O’Rourke Goes For Around 9/2 Right Now

Abbott watched his approval rating drop to just 45% with 54% saying the state was on the wrong track, recently. That’s pretty damning. Unfortunately, once you get into the stats you find a bet on Beto O’Rourke doesn’t have as much backing as one on McConaughey. Whilst Beto polls five points behind Abbott right now, Matthew polls twice that ahead of the incumbent. That isn’t good news for the Democrats. Still just who are Texans going to trust with their electricity grid needs? 

“The Texas Republican legislature is delivering on their promises for common sense legislation.”

  • Texas GOP Statement 

An actor doesn’t appear the better choice. Unfortunately, voters do love star appeal. So, any hope of a unified front against Abbott and his minority of loudmouths hangs on McConaughey. Of course, anyone in the US gambling laws of common sense would see the amateur make way for a professional is nuts. If there’s one thing you can bet on Texas politics to provide, it’s the crazy. After all, a bet on Beto O’Rourke to come back from the dead in Texas of all places is madness.

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We take a look at why you can bet on Beto O’Rourke to fear a Hollywood heavy hitter far more than the incumbent governor of Texas he wants to replace.

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