CSIG Release New Anti-Online Gambling Advert


Posted: April 4, 2014

Updated: October 4, 2017

The Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling has released another patronizing, scare-mongering advert in their pursuit to end online gambling in the US.

Following the first borderline-propaganda advert, which centered on the inherit criminal risk of allowing online gambling sites in the US to become fully legalized and regulated; the CSIG have released a follow-up advertisement piece aimed at the risks posed towards Americas youth.

The new web based ad is called ‘Don’t Bet On It’ and it has been directed at opinion leaders in Washington D.C, Sacramento and Las Vegas through targeted digital and social media advertising.
The coalition claims that the FBI’s Cyber Division ‘has warned that age and physical location can be spoofed’ and Morgan Stanley last week cited continuing problems with geo-location technology in New Jersey.

‘Nightmare’ scenario for parents

The purpose of the ad is to show the opinion leaders how easy it is for youngsters to access online accounts that belong to their parents; following a young child who has logged on to his fathers online gambling account and started to play blackjack, roulette and poker.

Our star narrates with childlike naivety and curiosity; showing no indication of any understanding toward the financial risks of gambling.
Coalition National Co-Chair, former Senator Blanche Lincoln said: “If kids can blow $2,600 in the app ‘Tap Pet Hotel,’ then think of what can happen when they get hold of their parent’s password and start playing blackjack? It is a nightmare scenario for parents.”
The ad is backed by casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, and it’s nothing more than his latest attempt at protecting his own casino profits from modern-day competition.
Lawmakers are currently debating over amendments to American gambling laws.

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