Christmas Casino Chaos Hits Hull City Center

Posted: December 22, 2016

Updated: October 6, 2017

Traditionally Christmas is a time of peace on earth and goodwill to all men. The fact women weren’t mentioned and that peace on earth is just something Miss World contestants say with a straight face means that realistically the festive season is just as acrimonious as the rest of the year and this Christmas casino patrons in Hull, rather than those at Viks casino or Bet365, were subject to scenes of carnage……..well…of a sort.

Christmas Casino Carnage

  • Grosvenor Casino, Hull
  • Windows smashed
  • Patrons and Staff interrogated
  • Cars attacked
  • Man arrested

If you like to bet on sports in the UK, particularly Rugby, you may have heard of Hull, a mildly distracting city in the North of England famed in my youth for being home to a club called Spiders, was the scene of a bizarre attack this week and whilst there is simply no comparison with the shocking events in Ankara, Berlin or even Aleppo, in a relatively quiet town the seemingly random moment of violence at Christmas is disturbing, both in general and in detail. At Christmas casino staff shouldn’t fear for their safety even at 5am.

In this rather tumultuous world the casino staff should, as should we all, perhaps remember that whilst global dynamics may be shifting, whilst the global polarizes and becomes ever more dangerous, and the threat of annihilation lurks around each corner, we, the population of this planet still have to factor in that there are just random nutters who walk among us, each a potential sudden explosion of violence and this Christmas casino operator Grosvenor seem to have been the target for one of these loonies.

Grosvenor Casino Damaged By Thirty Seven Year-Old

At 5am on Wednesday the Hull police were called to Dock Street in the city center due to a man attacking the casino with a door handle which he was, according to witnesses, using as a weapon. The degree to which any door handle can be used as a weapon is debatable, although this Christmas casino staff will need to be calling a glazier to fix the windows some of which were broken. However UK gambling news headlines need not be of a vendetta, the man also attacked several parked cars outside.

UK Hull City

The city of Hull is where the casino attack took place (photo:

“Apparently he came through from The Purple Door. He’d pulled a handle off and came inside the casino and started shouting.” Said John Hoe, maintenance manager at the casino, “He was screaming about Gypsies and asking people for their National Insurance numbers.” Which is pretty much all the evidence you need to dismiss this not as a rational act of someone with a grudge against the casino, but a nutter who grabbed a door handle from a strip club and went on a racist rampage for no apparent reason. Makes it safer to stay at home and gamble on Bet365, doesn’t it?

Bet365 Impervious To Strip Club Door Handles

“A man was arrested in Dock Street, Hull, this morning at around 5am after police had a call reporting criminal damage at the commercial premises there.” Stated Humberside Police shedding no light whatsoever on the cause of this sudden insanity, “A number of parked vehicles in the street were also allegedly damaged. The 37 year-old remains in police custody at this time.” Leaving us to wonder just what did prompt someone to go on that sort of rampage at Christmas casino morals aside. You can of course object to the moral or immoral (as you see it) standing of gambling, but attacking one with a door handle isn’t overly moral any which way you cut it, and the casino was breaking no UK gambling laws.

So then at 5am a 37 year old bloke stumbles out of a lap dancing club with a silly name, wrenches free a door handle (no mean feat if we’re honest about it) and then uses it as a weapon to attack numerous stationary vehicles, the windows of the Grosvenor casino and then walks in to shout at people about whether or not they’ve a tax number? Bit weird, isn’t it? Christmas casino workers must be as baffled as the authorities about it all, it makes no sense at all. Perhaps a government tax inspector snapped, perhaps a member of UKIP just had a few too many or perhaps door handles are the terrorist weapon of the future.

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