Channel Your Inner Gambler Cookie Monster, Part I.


Posted: May 28, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

Have a sweet tooth? Great. Let me take you on a tour around Las Vegas and show you ten of the best desserts money can buy…

Let’s admit it… dessert is the best part of each meal. I, for one, can’t wait till everyone finishes their main course and then we can get down to business. I even select which type of sweet I want to eat before everything else. Okay, so maybe I’m a bit of a sugar-fanatic, but if you enjoy sweets even a bit, it won’t hurt to have this selection lying around on your phone or tablet. Plus, you’ll get to try novelties which are guaranteed to be amazing. Dig in, people!

No. 1: Serendipity 3 at Caesars Palace

Serendipity 3

If you want to eat something truly extraordinary, extreme and expensive (and you can plan 48 hours in advance,) go ahead, order it! The Golden Opulence Sundae and you is a match made in heaven. You have to order it in advance, because some time is needed to procure the exclusive ingredients. Oh, and have USD 1,000 at your disposition. This dessert will definitely make people want to stop gambling on mobile casinos and take a tour in Caesars Palace instead. The sundae sparkles of gold, with edible 24K gold flakes, rare Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream and passion-fruit caviar. It is decorated with gold sugar flowers and served in a crystal glass with a golden spoon (souvenirs which you can take home afterwards.)

No. 2: Jean- Georges Steakhouse

• USD 1,000 for a sundae
• Relive your childhood
• Eat an ice-cream hybrid

Corn soufflé. Doesn’t that sound just amazing? The presentation is laid-back, the taste is divine and textures are perfectly balanced according to Foodette Reviews. It has warm and cold and soft and crunchy all at the same time, which is a hard feat to pull off usually. It has a hidden ice cream center, surrounded by a popcorn ball. It is served in a small cast-iron pan and one cannot possibly eat it alone, so be sure to share it. At last, a flavor combination that is not your typical chocolate-vanilla!

No. 3: Strip House

Strip House, stripping you of your S-sized clothes. After you eat this cake, well… Good luck with trying on any of your clothes that are tight. No wonder: it is called the 24-layer cake for a reason. It is humongous. And chocolaty. I mean, one portion (which is equivalent to one slice,) is as big as your head. This massive, rich, chocolate-filled cake is, however, the perfect way for a poker winner to celebrate some of his biggest victories in US poker rooms.

No. 4: Simon Restaurant and Lounge

Simon Restaurant and Lounge

The Junk Food Platter is basically a homage to you childhood. Pink puffs of cotton candy, caramel corn, cookies, donuts, peanut butter sundae and cupcakes ALL ON ONE PLATE! Get ready to throw your diet out the window and feel appallingly awesome doing so. How great is that? Having so many options under one dessert name and you don’t even have to feel bad ordering more courses because you want to try more than one things. It’s pink and brown and is like a small scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This is the most convenient, fun and well thought-out dessert plate there is.

No. 5: Kuma Snow Cream (OMG OMG)

God. Even the name. It makes me want to drop everything and run to the ice cream joint like somebody is chasing me. It is something completely new, like a new breed of some animal: it is a hybrid. According to their website, it is “lighter than ice cream, creamier than shaved ice, and more flavorful than frozen yogurt.” You can select the size: Ninja or Sumo and put together your own idea of a perfect Snow Cream, something like when you’re setting up your profile on a mobile casino gambling site. There are seasonal flavours, but some of the permanent flavours include Green Tea, strawberry, chocolate, banana (and numerous others.) Once you’ve chosen the base flavour, you can add fruits and toppings like gummy bears and sugar pearls. I. Want. It.

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