Casino In Oklahoma To Be Built By KISS Legend Simmons

Posted: January 6, 2017

Updated: October 6, 2017

As gambling laws across the US vaguely recognize the fact that people enjoy it and it should be more wildly available, those in a position to do so are leveraging their holdings to do just that. The Kaw Nation not least among them and now, aided by rock legend Gene Simmons they’re getting started on a brand new casino in Oklahoma.

You know you’re old when you cease to care about your idols selling out. This is mostly because so many of them tragically die, reminding you of your own middle-aged mortality, that you tend to want their remaining ranks to afford the very best medical treatment possible, living well on well into infirmity even if it requires them being hooked up to respirators and machines that go “Bleep!” at regular intervals. Hearing some of them are opening a casino in Oklahoma, is thus a good thing.

At least they’re still alive to do so.

In this case it is the somewhat be-paunched figure of Gene Simmons who will take advantage of US gambling laws to underscore their survival of the famous-person-cull that was 2016 and who is even now busy publicizing his latest business venture, a resort casino in Oklahoma, that he will be building along with fellow rock legend KISS founder Paul Stanley and the Kaw Nation, the chairwoman of which, Jacque Secondine Hensley, will join the duo when they break ground at the site near Braman.

Knights In Room Service? Gene Simmons Goes Gambling.

Project Partners Include:

• Kaw Nation
• Gene Simmons
• Paul Stanley
• Michael Zislis
• D & D Furano
• Kirk Williams

There are of course numerous other partners but it’ll be the one time face-painted lunatic with the tongue-flicking fixation who’ll draw the media’s gaze, and whilst the visuals are very much of someone doing an impression of the ghost of Elvis (including the weight) it should be remembered that Mr Simmons has already seen much success with the family-friendly rock restaurant chain “Rock & Brews”. Whether Bet365 etc should be worried about his casino in Oklahoma is different matter.

The “Rock & Brews” franchise may be only a dozen or so restaurants across the nation but the Kaw Nation’s chairwoman Hensley was quite effusive about their inclusion “This partnership with Rock & Brews will provide the Kaw Nation with the opportunity to again be the prime gaming and entertainment destination in our market.” Because without the KISS connection it’s unlikely this new casino in Oklahoma would make US gambling news headlines in the same fashion it is right now.

Bet365 Need Not Panic Over New Casino In Oklahoma

Of course it helps if the partner you’ve chosen for your casino in Oklahoma is apt to say things the press like writing down. They discover that Kim Kardashian made 50 million in 2016 who better to ask for a reaction than an aging rock star restaurateur? “Good for her, good for Jessica Simpson for having a billion dollar brand, good for celebrities to go out there and make sure that people understand who and what they stand for,” helpfully adding, “you don’t have to be talented or be able to write or sing.”

Gene Simmons casino

Looks like a good retirement plan for Gene (Photo: Tiffany Rose)

Once upon a time being told by Gene Simmons you don’t need to be talented to be a celebrity would have seemed cynical, somehow tainting the memory of KISS and it’s ridiculously overblown performances, but in the age of a Donald Trump presidency and, yes, the Kardashians too, it barely counts. Still, with a new casino in Oklahoma coming on line as soon as they can manage it, those that like to bet on sports in the US will have another land-based alternative to Bet365 near Wichita soon.

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