Casino High Rollers in Australia Exposed

Posted: May 25, 2012

Updated: October 4, 2017

National broadcaster in Australia reveals casino high roller identities and backs after the lawsuit about confidentiality breach.

The latest gambling scandal in Australia involves a breach of confidentiality under the Australian gambling laws. ABC, the national broadcaster in Australia, disclosed who are the high rollers at the Star Casino, the only land-based casino in New South Wales.

As a result, the casino brought a lawsuit in NSW court against this media company. In the settlement, ABC agreed to pay $190,000 in legal costs as well as to not publish the information anymore, and to destroy all the casino records it has within seven days.

The information about the casino high rollers, many of whom are foreign, which was exposed, portrayed their gambling habits and the amount of money spent. The gambling behaviors and photographs were also shown.

Many argue that the confidentiality law needs to be changed as exposing such players is in the public interest. Yet, this information is considered by the casino as prized internal business asset, and exposure of it may hurt commercial interests of this legitimate business enterprise.

Land-based casinos aren’t the only gambling places where there are concerns about the privacy of the players. The online casinos in Australia use the latest technologies as well as strict confidentiality measures to protect the gamblers’ identities and financial information. In many cases only legitimate casinos, fully regulated and located in law-abiding countries, can protect these players.

It is, therefore, important to do business with quality casinos, especially since there are many parasitic sites, in countries such as Nigeria, seeking to rip gamblers off. The smartphone betting, such as that done at mobile casinos in Australia is also facing pressure for security, and there is a pressure to ensure that the wireless connections aren’t intercepted by the crooks.

In effect, the leading online casinos, which already offer mobile gambling and sports betting via their platforms, already put the resources they have available to protect the clients.

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