Car Winners at Online Bingo in Scotland Have No Driver Licenses
Posted: November 14, 2011
Updated: October 4, 2017
The recent promotional online bingo games in Scotland enjoyed a smooth start, yet organizers soon found out that some Scots are not the luckiest of people when it comes to cars.

The recent promotional online bingo games in Scotland enjoyed a smooth start, yet organizers soon found out that some Scots are not the luckiest of people when it comes to cars.
According to online gambling news in Scotland, chaos is quite normal in online bingo tournaments, especially when big prizes (Fiat Pandas in this case) are awarded to multiple top level winners.
Many novice online bingo players as well as people who don’t even know the rules of online bingo will join the hunt for the grand prize, awarded under Scottish gambling laws, which means that lots of customer support and technical staff involvement is needed to make things run smoothly.
However, even the most elaborate and carefully thought of plans sometimes fail when not all the variables in the equation are known.
Following the successful conclusion of the online bingo games in Scotland, the lucky winners of the half dozen vehicles began to pour in on the one day that the promoters decided to award the grand prize which created the biggest problem of the entire online bingo promotion.
The car, worth around £6,000 is a generous prize by any standards and there are always some shady individuals, who will pretend to be the winner in order to get something for free. Over two hundred alleged happy online bingo winners showed up that day causing pandemonium.
Since only the promoters possessed the information about the real names of the online bingo winners, while everyone else knew their ‘bingo game names’, there was a considerable number of people, which claimed to have won the prize than there were contestants.
Dood, where is my online bingo car?
Witnesses describe one particular middle aged woman close to 100 kilos, who pulled up her dress and began some kind of a tribal dance while shouting ‘I bees Big Momma! (Big Momma was the handle of one of the lucky online bingo winners.)
British promoters were amazed to find out that the first two online bingo winners, which attended the prize day, had no driver license. The third winner of the promotional car knew how to drive, apparently not well enough since his license was indefinitely suspended for evading police.
Another respectable fellow arrived alone on top of a huge chopper without even considering what to do with the enormous bike once he would get into the miniscule Fiat. He amazed the promoters by attempting to strap the iron beast on top of the Fiat.
The online bingo winner known to everyone as ‘Big Momma’ never made an appearance to claim the car she won in the bingo promotion. No one is sure why since this was the first time the seasoned promoters encountered a person who simply forgot that she won a car or never bothered to show up. The online bingo promo organizers are still waiting for her to return their repeated emails and telephone calls.