The Biggest Bets That Paid Off
Posted: December 12, 2019
Updated: December 19, 2019
A thirteen year bet that paid off
Charles Barklely made $800,000 at the Super Bowl
Sometimes you can lose big as well

Let’s find the biggest bets that paid off. Everyone dreams of hitting the big time with that one life changing bet. Here are some of the most audacious.
Introduction: The Biggest Bets That Paid Off
Sports betting is a little different than just trying your luck at the casino. It requires some research and knowledge. Check out this list of online sportsbooks in the US. With the right data and experience, your choices can rely on more than just luck.

A Thirteen Year Bet
When Harry Wilson was born, his grandfather was sure the little one would become a professional footballer. So confident was he, that when Harry was but a mere toddler in 2000, his grandfather, Mr Edwards put a £50 bet that one day the boy would end up playing for the national team of Wales. The odds given were 2,500 – 1. Well, on October 15th 2013, Harry became the youngest player to represent Wales. Just three minutes before full time during a World Cup qualifier, he found himself playing. And that won his grand dad £150,000. “You’re a wizard, Harry“!

Catch Then Young
Richard Hopkins used to take his son go-kart racing. Among the boys opponents was a talented young lad with the name of Lewis Hamilton. After watching him race over the season, he decided that here was someone who would be going places. To that end he places three bets. The first was with £200 that Lewis would win the Formula One Championship before turning 23. Another bet with £100 that he’d be world champion by the age of 25. And finally an additional be that Lewis would do both, for £50. With one of the biggest bets that paid off, all three came in and Richard was £165,000 richer. I hope he spent some of that money on psychological counseling for his unloved own son.You can try with BetOnline.
Sign Your Marker!
NBA legend and sports announcer, Charles Barkley is probably best know for his massive gambling losses, which total at over $30 million. In 2002 he had a big win after Super Bowl 36. The New England Patriots were serious underdogs, in fact the third biggest underdogs in Super Bowl history. But that didn’t deter Charles. He put $500,000 on them, with another $50,000 money line bet. And he won them both! Later there was a dispute as to whether Charles had enough credit to cover the bet. Also he hadn’t signed the marker. Not surprisingly, the Mandalay Sportsbook didn’t want to pay. But Barkley insisted and in the end they relented, paying him out $800,000. Here are more online sportsbooks in the US.

Win Some, Lose Some
Another notorious sports better is the boxing legend, Floyd Mayweather. He really likes to bet big with sportsbooks like BetOnline. In 2014, he bet big with a huge $815 million wager that the Denver Broncos would subdue the New York Jets. He collected a cool $1.4 on that one. But he’s also seen some serious losses. Like a $10.4 million that the Broncos would beat the SeaHawks. Sadly they lost and the money was gone. Mayweather even went as far as to deny he’d placed the bet. Interestingly enough, it’s noticeable that these high roller only ever focus on their wins. It appears that to have some of the biggest bets that paid off, you really need to study the form of the sport you’re wagering on. Pure luck will only get you so far.