Betting on Olympic Events in Europe

Posted: August 6, 2012

Updated: October 4, 2017

European punters enjoy one of the most lax sports betting laws. This plus Olympic success attracts many bettors.

Most European nations, especially those within the European Union, enjoy free access to mobile and online sportsbooks with plenty of opportunities to bet on sports. And there is no bigger event than Summer Olympics. European punters surely like to bet on their teams performance.

While, at present, it is China and the United States who dominate the Olympic medal tables, the European nations, overall, perform very well. Countries such as Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy win many medals. Russia, while outside of the EU, is also among the top performers.

This leads to great interest in betting on sports. Take a nation such as France. It has for long stayed among the top Olympic medals winners. At 2008 Beijing Summer Games, the French won 41 medals.

So far, at London 2012 Summer Olympics, the French are doing quite well. Since the French gambling laws make it easy to bet on sports, the punters there fully participate their athlete’s performance.

In fact, France allows offshore bookmakers to operate alongside online sportsbooks in France as long as they get a license issued by the French government.

Meanwhile, while online casino gambling in the Russian Federation is restricted, the sports betting enjoys more freedom. In effect, Russian punters get to bet on their athletes during the Olympics. When the Sochi Winter Olympics arrive in 2014, the sports betting in Russia is likely to heat up.

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