I’m Betting On The Next Pope Arriving Sooner Than Later

Posted: September 8, 2017

Updated: October 4, 2017

Betting on the next Pope might not be your typical gambling fare, but with the leader of the world’s Catholics taking a five day trip to the moderately dangerous Colombia in order to try and heal a fractured nation we take a look at who’ll replace him when he gets killed for his efforts. There are quite a few candidates vying for the top job, so let’s take a look at the runners and riders in this religious race to the Vatican balcony.

  • Can Luis Antonio Tagle at 6/1 possible be the next Pope?
  • Might 7/1 Angelo Scola use his connections to grab the big hat?
  • Should betting on the next Pope include Marc Ouellet at 7/1?
  • Will Peter Turkson be the first black Pope? At 7/1 the bookies think so

“Let’s take the first step.” is the slogan of this papal visit to Colombia (which says much about modern religion all by itself, next papal visits will be sponsored by DHL, Amazon and Apple) and whilst the goals of his trip are entirely laudable, it could well be seen as a little too little, a little too late. This is the first visit to Colombia by the Pope since 1986, even the Vatican not willing to get involved in the longest civil war in the world, and after this trip I’ll be betting on the next Pope not wanting to visit again soon.

Pope Francis, the surprised looking one that replaced the ex-Nazi who resembled a Panda (I’m betting on the next Pope to look like Kermit the Frog), is of course from the region and is only too well aware of the dire consequences of the civil war in Colombia, and is perhaps better placed than most to attempt a reconciliation, but any Colombian gambling news of this papal visit will somehow pacify the land should think again. The government and FARC got close last year and look what happened there.

Will Pope Francis Heal Colombia Or Be The Next Victim Of Its Civil War?

The Pope in Colombia
source: Reuters.com

You know you’re somewhere very dangerous when the general population rejects peace deals to end the war that’s been killing their children. Fortunately if Pope Frankie Says Pray gets killed there are plenty more pedophile protectors where he comes from. The Vatican is wall to wall with guys just waiting to grab their seat in the shoes of the fisherman. But which of these crazy cardinals and angling Archbishops should you back if you’re going to go betting on the next Pope? Let’s take a look.

Well sites like Bet365 give Sean Patrick O’Malley, the 73 year old Cardinal from the US a 14/1 shot at the job, those odds more a reflection on his nationality than his standing. An American Pope? From Ohio? Yeah possibly not a wager worth taking advantage of Colombian gambling laws to place really, and if you’re going betting on the next Pope you might want to eye up the gaggle of contenders that are hovering about at the 7/1 mark, each one capable of taking the election on the day despite not being favorite.

Betting On The Next Pope Is Simple At Bet365

The Pope in Colombia
source: VOA News

Odds On The Next Pope

Christoph Schonborn – 16/1
Gianfranco Ravasi – 16/1
Odilo Scherer – 16/1
Timoth Dolan – 16/1
Sean Patrick O’Malley – 14/1
Peter Turkson – 7/1
Marc Ouellet – 7/1
Angelo Scola – 7/1
Luis Antonio Tagle – 6/1

Peter Turkson, Marc Quellet and Angelo Scola find themselves shoulder to shoulder, although of the three you suspect Angelo Scola has the better chance, the Milanese insider more well connected than a telephone switch board. Marc Quellet, the quiet man of Canada, is a couple of years younger and well worth a punt if you’re betting on the next Pope, but the big question mark is over Peter Turkson the Cardinal from Ghana. Is the Catholic Church ready for a black Pope? The bookies like Bet365 think so.

Of course out in front in the pursuit of the papacy is the Archbishop of Manila, Luis Antonia Tagle, the 60 year old energetic Filipino who gets odds of just 6/1 at sites like Bet365 to be the next winner of the Vatcian’s best dressed smoke contest, and he’s a pretty fair wager at those odds. I realize betting on the next Pope whilst this one is still walking around isn’t in the best of taste, but if you’re tired of putting a bet on sports in Colombia and want something more meaningful to gamble on, the holy father got you covered, just like his security does him. We hope.

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