Bet On Joe Biden To Win The 2020 Presidential Election Fast

Posted: March 6, 2020

Updated: April 1, 2020

  • Bernie Sanders Finds Himself Fighting Unified Moderate Democrats
  • Bet On Joe Biden To Win The 2020 Presidential Election At Bovada
  • Buttigieg And Klobuchar Drop Out And Support Joe Ahead Of Polls
Image source: Flickr

It was supposed to be the knock-out blow. The moment Bernie Sanders saw all opposition pushed aside. His revolution was due to march onward unbidden. Unfortunately, for Sanders, the former vice president hadn’t read that script. Indeed, after his Lazarus-like return to form you can now bet on Joe Biden to win the 2020 Presidential Election. The online betting sites in the US like Bovada will offer you great odds. His calm measured message already looking like a winner.

It’s a good night.” You can bet on Joe Biden to win the 2020 Presidential Election but don’t bet on him giving up understatement. “They don’t call it Super Tuesday for nothing.” His enthusiasm was evident. So wrapped up in his victories he managed to confuse his sister and his wife on stage. Not that it mattered. He’d proved his point. The Bernie Sanders revolution was stoppable and by something a lot more appealing. Joe Biden had taken the center ground and dug in on it.

Just a few days ago the press and the pundits declared the campaign dead.” Joe crowed having won seven primaries. It might not end up being the dream sweep of the board, Sanders is still in this, but it was a clear message. A lot of Democrats have bet on Joe Biden to win the 2020 Presidential Election because he’s NOT revolutionary. They believe Bernie Sanders will scare the middle ground. That people who bet on sports in the US aren’t ready to back a former socialist. Anyhow, here is how the odds lay at the Bovada sportsbook

2020 US Presidential Election

  • Elizabeth Warren – 150/1
  • Michael Bloomberg – 66/1
  • Hilary Clinton – 66/1
  • Bernie Sanders – 15/2
  • Joe Biden – 7/4
  • Donald Trump – 8/13

Bovada Has The Best Odds For Betting On US Politics

Joe Biden To Win The 2020 Presidential Election
Joe Biden – Image source: Flickr

They’re probably right. You can always bet on Bernie Sanders to have the energy and drive, but his message is radical. The US is far from a radical place. The odds on Joe Biden have improved so much because he isn’t. He’s harking back to a polite social discourse that has been sadly missing. The Sanders campaign wishes to fight fire with fire when they take on Trump. You can now bet on Joe Biden to win the 2020 Presidential Election because he’ll fight fire with water.

I’m here to report we’re very much alive.” Joked Biden. This may turn out to be a rather poor joke should the the outbreak begin harvesting voters. Or, indeed, candidates. There isn’t anyone left in the race for the White House who is under seventy. US gambling laws prevent betting on human suffering, but a wager on the election is okay. It doesn’t matter that meeting and greeting so many people, as candidates must, is almost suicidal now. The election must go on. 

Bet On Joe Biden To Win The 2020 Presidential Election Today

Bernie will certainly go on. He won’t mind that he failed to expand his base. He’ll take this all the way to the convention. Donald Trump’s odds to retain the White House still see him winning. Regardless of who the Democrats run. They can bet on Joe Biden to win the 2020 Presidential Election, or gamble Bernie can do it. Either way, it’ll be an uphill struggle. For all the enthusiasm of the Bernie Bros and the current Joementum, the Republicans have their own strong core support.

Democrat Nominee Odds

  • Tulsi Gabbard – 200/1
  • Elizabeth Warren – 80/1
  • Michael Bloomberg – 50/1
  • Hilary Clinton – 20/1
  • Bernie Sanders – 7/2
  • Joe Biden – 2/7

Let’s get back up. We are decent, brave, resilient people.” Biden told the crowd. “We can believe again but we are better than this moment, better than this President. So get back up and take back this country.” It was a message that will resonate with many not as radical as Bernie. So a bet on Joe Biden to win the 2020 Presidential Election is not the worst bet on US politics available at online gambling sites in the US. However, Elizabeth Warren is.

You can bet on the US presidential elections at Bovada sportsbook 

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