Bet On Climate Change Making It The Hottest Year On Record
Posted: September 29, 2020
Updated: September 29, 2020
Is Climate Change The Next Apocalypse Or A Hoax?
You Can Actually Bet On Climate Change At Bovada
Just Put Your Money Where Your Weather Is Online

A bet on climate change doesn’t roll around very often. The lengthy nature of the process rather precluding a snappy flutter. However, with record temperatures hitting the headlines, and causing some very nasty side effects, science has the answer. In addition to your regular bet on sports in the US, you can now bet on this being the hottest year on record or not. Online bookies like Bovada have the odds you need whether you believe in it or not. You can wager either way.
The gambling industry doesn’t, per se, approve of people trying to bet on human suffering. You can’t bet on earthquakes, the death toll from volcano eruptions, or drownings at sea. This often amuses. After all, one can bet on reality TV which imposes suffering both on participants and viewers alike. Likewise, boxing is apparently fine. That someone punched repeatedly in the head must be suffering seems unproblematic. This then would explain why you can bet on climate change.
Online betting sites in the US like Bovada have always offered ominous wagers. From a bet on alien invasion to a bet on a zombie apocalypse, you can find odds. A bet on climate change, by comparison, is almost sane. Certainly on a shorter time scale. One need not bet on the end of the world to wager on the ongoing crisis. If, naturally enough, you think it is one. Not everyone does. Some feel the climate has always varied and will continue to do so our own influence, negligible.
Is Climate Change A Matter Of Record?
US scientists, however, claim that this is very likely to be the hottest year in history. They are, they say, 75% sure of this. This surprises them because of the almost total lack of the “El Nino” effect. Anyone in California watching their house ablaze might not be as shocked. The NOAA is 99.9% sure 2020 WILL be one of the top five even if it doesn’t break the record. Still, it does open up a great possibility to actually bet on climate change. Will it be the hottest or not?
2020 Hottest On Record?
- Yes – 4/6
- No – 10/11
Online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada, usually more apt to let you bet on the NFL, have odds. Right now, you can get 4/6 on 2020 finishing up the hottest year on record. Watching the hurricanes sweep the Atlantic that seems a good wager. Typically, a bet on the weather isn’t so easily quantified, but this will be clear cut. Of course, the same bookies will give you 10/11 on it not making the necessary numbers. Which, lamentably, doesn’t mean it still won’t be alarming.

Get A Great Bet On Climate Change At Bovada
Glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland are receding raising the specter of sea level rises. They’re now shrinking at six times the rate they were in the 1990s. That’s a worrying acceleration. The sort of thing that gets Greta Thunberg angry or David Attenborough looking paternal and disappointed. It’s the sort of thing that has put it on the political agenda. Many candidates, not least those of the Green Party and its equivalents, bet on climate change to win the elections.
“Change is coming whether you like it or not.”
- Greta Thunberg – UN Climate Summit
Of course, anyone in the US gambling laws will ever actually rein in manmade influence on the environment is probably kidding themselves. With some people unable to believe we have that effect, and others unconcerned, it’s a struggle. Some even question the science itself. For many, the long-term time scales involved make it easy to dismiss as an issue for later. For someone else. So then which are you and will you bet on climate change? Will, you put your money where your weather is?
Click here to visit the Bovada Sportsbook
We take a look at why you should take advantage of the opportunity to bet on climate change without waiting for the end of the world.