Australian Bettors Gamble More and Lose More than Any Other Country


Posted: March 3, 2014

Updated: October 4, 2017

Australians are very passionate about gambling and a recent report concluded that they bet more and lose more/per resident, than any other country in the world.

Current research shows that Australians love to bet and each resident loses around $1,144/year. This fact makes land-based, as well as online providers like Spin Palace casino, operate at full speed and offer as many betting opportunities as possible.

Australians’ gambling passion

According to gambling opponents, Australians are the world’s biggest bettors, because they have the most opportunity to throw away cash.

Tim Costello, chairman of the Australian Churches Gambling Taskforce, commented: “Gambling is just like eucalyptus oil – it’s natural. But in Australia we’ve allowed gambling to proliferate more than anyone else in the world.”

Nick Xenophon, independent senator, commented on the disturbing gambling figures announced by the researchers and said they should work as an “urgent wake-up call” for politicians. He added: “Let’s not forget that, with pokies, 40% of losses come from problem gamblers, with five to 10 people affected by each problem gambler.”

Xenophon is currently trying to promote changes in Australian gambling laws, allowing maximum $1 bet on poker machines, with hourly losses up to $120, following the 2010 recommendations of the parliamentary joint select committee on the gambling reform.

He also expressed his opinion that: “There should also be more funding to rehabilitate problem gamblers and a clamp-down on online and sports betting.”

Michael Moore, chief executive officer of the Public Health Association of Australia, added: “There were significant political, economic and cultural obstacles to promoting responsible gambling. State and territory governments in Australia derive an average 10% or more of their taxation revenue from legalized gambling.”

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