Adelson Pursues IR To Chase Japanese Online Casino Customers
Posted: September 15, 2017
Updated: October 4, 2017

Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson has decided the best way to make progress in the lengthy and torturous Japanese legislative process is to complain about it. The Office of Integrated Resort Regime Promotions Expert Committee coming under fire from the American for imposing size limits, but will Sheldon’s legendary quantities of cash mean Bet365 or that Japanese online casino you click on will have some physical competition soon? We take a look.
- Can the LDP under Shinzo Abe really leap the legislative hurdles?
- Could Sheldon Adelson own the first IR casino in Japan?
- Will Las Vegas Sands attract high rollers from China to Osaka?
- Does public opposition stand a chance of derailing the process?
By now I half expected Sheldon Adelson to be camped on the White House lawn with a huge sign demanding Donald Trump, a man he can’t really stand but gave $25 million to during the election, make good on the promises he made and put pressure on congress to bring back RAWA from the dead. However the Las Vegas Sands CEO is a long way from Washington and if you own a Japanese Online Casino you could be in a fair amount of trouble because he’s making progress toward an IR in Osaka.
The IR, or Integrated Resort, model is simple enough. Create a massive hotel with oodles of facilities around as large a gaming floor as you can create and hope it makes back the billions of dollars you spent on it in the first place. The idea of building one to compete with the plethora of Japanese online casinos so mouthwatering Sheldon has been lobbying to change Japanese gambling law in order to get one built near the capital, Tokyo. Not that he’s making as much headway as he’d like as yet of course.
Are Japanese Online Casino Profits In Danger From Osaka IR?
One of the many liberal ideas Shinzo Abe has put into the shuffle legalized brick-‘n’-mortar casinos aren’t actually all that popular an idea among the gambling crazy Japanese and nor is, at a just 30% approval rating, is Shinzo Abe currently. However if you’re a regular at a Japanese online casino the chances are later in the year the final legislative hurdle will be leaped and construction of the latest Sands integrated resort can begin. It is a prospect that still doesn’t seem to please poor Sheldon.
Well ahead of the final decision Sheldon Adelson has decided to start complaining about the size of casinos that will be permitted under the new legislation, with an algorithmic argument concerning square foot per capita that won’t convince anyone. As your friends at that Japanese online casino or Bet365 will tell you, no Japanese gambling news of this pre-emptive complaining will improve matters is entirely sensible. Sheldon bemoans the size of his slice of pie well before the chef has baked it.
Should Bet365 Worry About Brick-‘n’-Mortar Casino Competition?
- Owner: Las Vegas Sands
- Wealth: US$ 35.4 Billion
- Born: Boston, USA
- Age: 84
- Affiliation: Republican
There are, beyond mere size, a few other restrictions to be placed on these IR casinos, and whilst those are unlikely to stop them making a profit the chances are that the need for a Japanese online casino presence on the internet, and sites like Bet365, will continue for some years to come. The concerns with “problem gambling” comprise much of the public hostility, but there’s also rumblings about banning Japanese nationals from a casino in their own country or charging an entrance fee too.
Fortunately the LDP aren’t all that interested in public opinion, their nine public hearings on the subject a waste of everyone’s time, and LVS look set to be permitted to provide some measure of facility to those that wish to do some table gambling or bet on sports in Japan, preferably the Chinese gamblers the authorities have chased out of Macau, within a few years. This might well dent attendance at any particular Japanese online casino, or even Bet365, but not by much, especially if Japanese IR don’t allow the Japanese themselves.