Online Poker News in China - December 2024

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Why Poker Never Goes Out Of Fashion

Why Poker Never Goes Out Of Fashion

Anna December 1, 2021 20:13:30

Why do people love poker so much? Because the experience provided by poker is inexhaustible. We can do it free, paid, at home, in public, with friends, strangers, with one or more partners, as professionals, or as amateurs. In today’s modern and high-tech world, it’s not just the rich and privileged who have the chance to play poker, at least as far as virtual games are concerned. Countless poker sites are at our service if we decide to register with a few clicks. Why poker never goes out of fashion, is because other than casinos, online platforms provide a sea of opportunities to spend our free time on their sites. Let’s see our options.

How to spot online poker cheaters – Techiques you need to know about

How to spot online poker cheaters – Techiques you need to know about

Anna November 30, 2021 21:30:44

In the world of the internet, your identity can be hidden in many cases, as it couldn’t be done elsewhere. That’s the case with online gambling too. You don’t know the other people you are playing with, and even though rooms are monitored, and this move is difficult and risky, it wouldn’t hurt to stay alert. People want to get money the easy way, including winning at online gambling sites, as well. As technology develops, so does the number of canny people. Since we all heard of the young people who have won hundreds of thousands of dollars from behind the monitors, trying it out sounds very alluring. However, where a lot of money is at stake, it is only a matter of time when cheaters will show up and try to get around the system. We will show how to spot online poker cheaters and what to do if you suspect something. 

Top Private Poker Games

Top Private Poker Games

Eniko November 30, 2021 19:22:30

Poker is popular all around the world among people from all different backgrounds. We can find some very famous people in poker fans from actors to football stars and millionaires. Who all want to play in secret locations hidden ahead of the public eye. Well, they compete in hotel rooms and other special locations which are known as the top private poker games.  

Best Poker Bluffing Strategies

Best Poker Bluffing Strategies

Eniko November 24, 2021 00:13:14

If you play poker, you know how important is to have a poker face in all situations, even if you’re losing the game. By showing no emotions, you can trick your rivals and still win a game with weaker cards. But you have to consider several factors to use bluff successfully. We show you the best poker bluffing strategies in order to win the game. 

Most Exclusive Poker Games in 2022

Most Exclusive Poker Games in 2022

Kateryna November 23, 2021 21:35:51

Trying new varieties of poker is a trend in recent years. Moreover, attempts to update the range of online poker games are made by many developers. What formats have we already seen by the end of 2021? And can regulars make money on new games? Let's try to figure it out and explore the most exclusive poker games.

Poker-Hand Rankings: Which Cards Help You Win?

Poker-Hand Rankings: Which Cards Help You Win?

Kateryna November 18, 2021 06:04:22

The main goal when choosing a poker hand is to make the highest possible combination of five cards. This is the way you aim to win the pot when the cards are revealed and the showdown comes. Another way to win is by bluffing. However, in this case, it is useful to correctly assess the strength of your opponent's hand. So what shall be done? In this article, we will look at the poker-hand rankings that will help you win.