
A list of online gambling news articles and analyses written by jonathan for GamingZion.
When Footballers Shared a Communal Bath

When Footballers Shared a Communal Bath

Jonathan December 11, 2019 12:35:50

It was normal that footballers shared a communal bath after a game. As a boomer, looking back to my sports days of yore, I can see that many aspects of the games and the activities around them have changed considerably.

Facebook Gambling Ads Aimed at Children

Facebook Gambling Ads Aimed at Children

Jonathan December 11, 2019 12:20:32

Facebook gambling ads aimed at children came to light last year. It seems that a UK based marketing startup was using these ads for online casinos. Quelle surprise! As always, Mr Zuckerburg is trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted and the ads have been paid for.

Lay Betting Explained: Betting Against the Odds

Lay Betting Explained: Betting Against the Odds

Jonathan December 10, 2019 16:26:22

Lay Betting Explained: Betting Against the Odds. If you want to reverse roles, then lay betting let's you play at being the bookmaker. Essentially you're betting on something or some outcome not to happen. You're betting against the odds. You sell a bet as opposed to backing a bet.

Betting In Hungary

Betting In Hungary

Jonathan December 10, 2019 14:31:16

Betting in Hungary tends to revolve around Football which appears to play a large part of all bets wagered. With the Hungarian population standing at around 10 million people, it means that there is a sizable market open towards betting and gambling.

A Complete Guide to Poker Chips

A Complete Guide to Poker Chips

Jonathan December 10, 2019 12:26:23

Here's a complete guide to poker chips. We tend to think more about the cards being played in poker. But an equally important ingredient are the poker chips. We take a seat at the table, buy in and start shuffling these coloreds markers around without giving much thought to their color and use.

Casino Blackjack Cheats

Casino Blackjack Cheats

Jonathan December 10, 2019 12:19:26

Casino blackjack cheats are similar to Yeti sightings, they can happen but are very rare. Remember that the casino is a business, and it's business is to take money from the pockets of punters. But at the same time the casino needs to uphold it's reputation.

What is the Dead Man’s Hand?

What is the Dead Man’s Hand?

Jonathan December 9, 2019 12:22:24

So what is the Dead Man's Hand? Well, it's probably the most famous hand in a game of cards. The name certainly has a colorful story behind it. And yes, sorry to say, it does feature a dead man!

Bear Baiting Bets: A History of Blood Sports in Elizabethan Times

Bear Baiting Bets: A History of Blood Sports in Elizabethan Times

Jonathan December 9, 2019 11:23:59

Bear baiting bets In Elizabethan times kept everyone entertained. In Macbeth, there is a stanza he speaks to his enemies: “Have tied me to a stake; I cannot fly, But, bear-like, I must fight the course.” Today this holds little meaning. But in the year of the play, 1606, if one were to take a short walk from Shakespeare's own Globe Theater, you would find the "Bear Gardens". This was where dogs, bears, bulls, chimps and other creatures had to fight to the death in front of roaring crowds, many of whom were gambling on the outcome.