
A list of online gambling news articles and analyses written by jonathan for GamingZion.
Is Cricket the most Boring Sport?

Is Cricket the most Boring Sport?

Jonathan December 16, 2019 17:50:35

Yes, cricket is the most boring sport. There, I've said it. Between the months of May and September, you can hear the familiar sound of leather against willow echoing through the English countryside. For the Americans among you, cricket is a team game, not a chirping bug! It also happens that cricket is the most boring sport in the history of all sports past, present and to come. Just thinking about it and my eyelids start getting heavy.

The History of Football Goal Posts

The History of Football Goal Posts

Jonathan December 16, 2019 14:43:58

Let's have a look at the history of football goal posts. The modern football goal that we know of today has been through quite an evolution since football rules became a thing.

Chances of Surviving the Sinking of the Titanic

Chances of Surviving the Sinking of the Titanic

Jonathan December 16, 2019 14:12:05

So what were your chances of surviving the sinking of the Titanic? She was sunk on the 15th April after striking an iceberg on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York in 1912. Though the thinking today is that she was severely structurally weakened after a serious fire in the engine room. Apart from the awful tragedy of 1496  people dying, it also spawned the equally awful and unfortunate song by Celine Dion.

So You Want To Become A Football Referee

So You Want To Become A Football Referee

Jonathan December 16, 2019 13:49:55

So you want to become a football referee. Yes, someone's got to do it, but are you sure it's you? Half the fans will hate you. And if you make a bad decision, the other half will hate you too.

Can You Bet On Yourself?

Can You Bet On Yourself?

Jonathan December 16, 2019 13:48:48

So, can you bet on yourself? Like all parents, you think that your son is something special. Of course he is! Look, at 3 months old he could kick a football. At 10 years of age he was already showing such promise that all your relatives were saying he's Barcelona F.C. material. (Bro tip: he's not!).

Ukraine Gambling Ban Getting Repealed

Ukraine Gambling Ban Getting Repealed

Jonathan December 14, 2019 12:31:53

So is the Ukraine gambling ban getting repealed? Hopefully it'll soon be a thing of the past. This is thanks to the submission of a recent initial bill to the Ukrainian Parliament. It looks like legal gambling is finally coming to the country. This would lift the gambling ban which has been in place since 2009.

Bad Luck Signs From Around The World

Bad Luck Signs From Around The World

Jonathan December 14, 2019 11:13:54

Check out these bad luck signs from around the world. Are you feeling superstitious? These are the odd ideas that dwell on the edge of social beliefs. They can arise out of helplessness, fear or sometimes by chance. Many have absolutely no scientific basis. And many are not even linked to religious faith either. And yet, like a minor irritation that cannot be scratched, they persists all efforts to extinguish them.

The Blood in the Water Match of Hungary vs Russia

The Blood in the Water Match of Hungary vs Russia

Jonathan December 14, 2019 11:12:21

The Blood in the Water Match of Hungary vs Russia, is without doubt, one of the most famous and hardest fought sporting battles of the 1956 Olympics. Remember that was the year that the Russians rolled into Budapest in their tanks and suppressed the Hungarian Revolution. So, as you can imagine, tensions were running high.

Maradona and the Hand Of God

Maradona and the Hand Of God

Jonathan December 13, 2019 15:30:04

Mention Diego Maradona and the Hand of God and you'll find two polarized opinions. One, is that he's the greatest footballer to ever walk the planet. The other, that he's a cheat, is arrogant and has done everything over time to bring the game into disrepute. (Which he did as a result of his rampant drug abuse).Remember when he wanted to become President of FIFA in 2015? You can witness both these qualities in the third quarter final of 1986 World Cup. This took place between Argentina & England in the Estadio Azteca in Mexico City. So what were the facts around Maradona and the hand of God?

The Triple Crown Cheat

The Triple Crown Cheat

Jonathan December 13, 2019 14:37:49

So the Triple Crown cheat is the winner! The sporting media, which is watching the gradual decline of the racing industry, have had the US horse racing industry under a microscope after 30 horses died at Santa Anita in the first six months of this year. And just to add a cherry on top of an already rotten dessert, it has just emerged that last years Triple Crown winner, Justify, had tested positive just before winning the Kentucky Derby.