
A list of online gambling news articles and analyses written by jonathan for GamingZion.
A Short History of Golf Balls

A Short History of Golf Balls

Jonathan January 2, 2020 13:31:00

Here's a short history of golf balls. With the game now more popular than ever, let's have a look back at how the simple golf ball came about.

Guinness Gambling World Records

Guinness Gambling World Records

Jonathan January 2, 2020 11:52:11

We found many Guinness gambling world records as we were flipping through the Guinness Book of World Records for anything gambling related. Here are some of the many entries we discovered. Lets kick off with slots.

The Hungarian Football Training Disaster

The Hungarian Football Training Disaster

Jonathan December 31, 2019 14:35:50

The Hungarian football training disaster just goes from bad to worse. Lets get one thing straight. Hungarian football is not short of money. Between 2011 to 2018 the sport received over 791 billion Forints from the central budget. Hungarian football academies which have the task of producing the next generation of star players managed to secure 162 billion Forints of that.

The Gladiator Death Rate

The Gladiator Death Rate

Jonathan December 31, 2019 14:20:44

Was the gladiator death rate really as high as we imagine? In the 2000 Ridley Scott epic, Gladiator, the fighters are slain left right and center. Whether by gladius or trident, entrails were torn from living bodies as fighters lost limbs and life and all in a bloody sacrifice to the Emperor, Lucius Aurelius Commodus. In this respect, the movie is no different than most modern media. We are meant to believe that all fights ended in a gory death. But just how bloody were these combats and what was the real rate of attrition?

Lucky Gambling Gods

Lucky Gambling Gods

Jonathan December 31, 2019 14:16:30

Believe in the lucky gambling gods? Which ones do you pray to? Because of the nature of gambling, it's not surprising that gamblers are a superstitious bunch. The same goes for gamblers from the distant past. There are always Gods and deities, who, with the right prayers or offerings, might bring about a change in your fortunes. Let's have a look at some historic ones from around the world.

The Time to Solve a Rubik’s Cube with Random Moves

The Time to Solve a Rubik’s Cube with Random Moves

Jonathan December 31, 2019 13:53:30

Can you solve a Rubik’s Cube with Random Moves? It could take awhile. There are so many variables, that we need to first set some parameters. Between being extremely lucky and solving it quickly, to working on it forever. A perfectly random scrambled Rubik's cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 (quintillion) possible positions. And they all have an equal probability.

What does a Slot Machine Service Technician do?

What does a Slot Machine Service Technician do?

Jonathan December 23, 2019 13:24:32

Wanna be a slot machine service technician? The gambling industry around Las Vegas would come to a screeching stop without slot machine service technicians. But not the Vegas Crest Casino. Customers can’t play machines that aren't working. Then the broken slot machines have to come off the floor for repair. While they’re out of service, they don’t earn the casino any money.

Transgender Athletes are Cheats

Transgender Athletes are Cheats

Jonathan December 23, 2019 13:01:52

Transgender athletes are cheats. There, I've said it! In the movie " A League of their Own", the star Tom Hanks says that there's no crying in in baseball. And that should also apply to cheating. When a natural  born man is allowed to take part in a woman's sport on the basis that they identify as female, well, sorry to tell you, but that's nothing more than cheating.

Buy Your Own Scottish Football Club

Buy Your Own Scottish Football Club

Jonathan December 23, 2019 12:44:54

Ever dream of owning your own Scottish football club? Well for one Scottish man that dream came true when he took over his local boyhood team.

Bug Fights: Betting on Crickets

Bug Fights: Betting on Crickets

Jonathan December 20, 2019 16:33:42

Betting on crickets goes back more than 1,000 years to the Tang Dynasty, the fighting of male crickets is still remains a very popular sport and past time in modern day China.