Gambling Horoscope This Week: September 19th

Posted: September 19, 2016

Updated: September 19, 2016

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for you in the coming week.

AriesAries March 21 – April 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Billy Holiday, also born under the sign of Aries, may have sung about Strange Fruit but you’ll be the one that has to deal with the oddities of life this week, and there will be hidden benefits amongst the craziness. Don’t worry if you can’t spot them right away, you’ve one of the most lucky zodiac signs this week so chances are you’ll stumble across them easily, and should put some of that good fortune into picking winners at Bet365. Your lucky Russian magazine is Istorichesky Vestnik from St. Petersburg.

TaurusTaurus April 20 – May 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Andrei Sakharov, another Taurus, may have helped the Soviet Union create its first nuclear weapon but you’ll be the one changing the landscape in dramatic fashion this week as information that until now had seemed trivial now becomes pivotal. Think long term if you’re going to attempt to use it to your own advantage, and be sure rewards are guaranteed should you choose to use it to someone else’s advantage, especially a colleague. Your lucky waterfall is Kjeragfossen in Rogaland, Norway.

GeminiGemini May 21 – June 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Much loved Gemini Hattie McDaniel may well have been the first African American to win an Oscar but this week it’ll be you breaking new ground and leading the way for others to follow. You know what needs be done and where you’re headed, which sets you apart from some of those around you, so don’t hesitate, this is no time to be backward about coming forward. You’re weekend won’t go as planned, but it’ll be no disaster either. Your lucky French film actress is Daniele Parola star of 1932’s “Narcotics”.

CancerCancer June 21 – July 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Estee Lauder, a Cancer Lionel Messi may well be able to kick harder than you but that doesn’t mean you can’t put the boot in when necessary, and this week; It’ll be necessary. Where the subtle approach has failed, where efforts at a diplomatic solution have been scorned, sometimes you just need to bang people’s heads together. There’s no need for blood on the carpet, but no one should be in any doubt that their long running feud is to end, and everyone need move on. Your lucky northern Spanish river is the Alvares.

LeoLeo July 23 – August 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Kylie Jenner, a Leo and major social media presence, may well have gained fame on reality TV but you’ll be the one that feels as if under scrutiny this week, but try not to let it throw you off your game. You’ve the perfect horoscope for betting so the chances are you can gamble that what is seen is the best of you, not the worst, and with the stars fating you with such good fortune you should probably check out the EPL wagers on Bet365. Your lucky town in the Columbia River Gorge is Warrendale.

VirgoVirgo August 23 – September 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Madiyn Bailey, another Virgo like you, may well have gained her notoriety from singing for her supper but you’ll be the one that has to eat some humble pie this week. There’s never a nice time to have to admit you were wrong but the sooner you get it out of the way the better, later in the week you’ll have other priorities and it would be a shame to let this fester longer than necessary. Bite the bullet and it’ll be over before you know it. Your lucky Cuban soft drink is the famed “Ironbeer” first created in 1917.

LibraLibra September 23 – October 22

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Famous Libra Eleanor Roosevelt may have campaigned tirelessly for the New Deal but you’ll be the one that has to strike a different sort of bargain this week. Quid pro quo may well leave you in uncertain debt but it’s the only currency some people will agree to and under the urgency of the circumstances you’ll have little option but to accept, and one day you’ll have to repay the efforts to which others will go. Your lucky former power-forward NBL player is Brett Wheeler of Adelaide.

ScorpioScorpio October 23 – November 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Pele, perhaps the most well-known footballing Scorpio in the world, may well have played more games of football than you’ve had hot dinners but this week you won’t need to do too much running around as things have already been set in motion and you just have to keep up with what’s expected of you, which will not prove difficult. Don’t rush things for which you’ve plenty of time and don’t forget to leave your weekend free for fun. Your lucky producer of Soy-based food and drink is Alpro from Belgium.

SagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Betty Grable, a Sagittarius too, may have inspired the Allied troops of the Second World War, but this week it’ll be you that has to raise people’s spirits and ensure they’ve enough enthusiasm to see them through what may be quite a fraught few days. It might seem difficult but you’ve the perfect horoscope for gambling so just follow your gut and you’ll hit the right tone to snap them out of their gloom and have them ready for the fray ahead. Your lucky cargo ship sunk by U-124 is the SS Empire Bison.

CapricornCapricorn December 22 – January 19

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Alex Ferguson, also born a Capricorn, may well have led Manchester United to some famous victories but this week you’ll have to take a more background role as others hog the spotlight. Don’t be bitter about it, your time will come, and there will be gratitude enough that you don’t feel forgotten, indeed put as much effort into being supportive as you would if you were out front and things will go swimmingly and there will rewards for all. Your lucky Maryland Federal judge is Peter Jo Messitte.

AquariusAquarius January 20 – February 18

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Jane Seymour, an Aquarius like you, might be able to act far better than you could ever manage but this week you will have to keep a smile on your face regardless of how you actually feel if you don’t want to be plunged into a prolonged period of emotional pugilism. It might seem dishonest but the alternative is far more unpalatable and saving people’s feelings is a good enough reason, especially when people are temporarily so touchy. Your lucky extinct taxon of embrithopods is a Palaeoamasiidae.

PiscesPisces February 19 – March 20

Your lucky online gambling sites this week

Pisces George Washington might have, in a North-Koreanesque fable of his youth, claimed he was incapable of telling a lie but this week you may have to tell more than a few in order to retain a quiet life. Don’t worry, no one will notice, but do remember you can only mislead people so much before they cotton on, so don’t get carried away. Your weekend will be very relaxing if you allow it to be, so don’t make any big plans. Your lucky football manager is George Morrell of Morton and Arsenal.

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