US Poker Players Alliance Starts a Petition to Legalize Online Poker

Posted: September 12, 2011

Updated: October 4, 2017

US Poker Players Alliance drafts a petition in support of legalized online poker in USA, which it will submit to the government

United States Poker Players Alliance (PPA) lobbying group, focused on promoting legalization of online poker in the US, initiates a new petition aimed at raising awareness of US administration officials and lawmakers. The group is pushing for change in American gambling laws to finally legalize online poker sites in the country.

The primary motive of the group is the creation of American jobs in a stagnating economy, and PPA states that the legalization of online poker and internet gambling in general is certainly the way to do so. The concept of the petition is that any cause that is able to come up with at least 5,000 signatures in 30 days will be taken seriously by the government.

The new PPA action comes on the wave of growing appetite for tax revenues, generated from online gambling. Many US state and federal legislators have expressed their desire to improve their income through legalizing online poker sites in United States.

PPA is currently drafting the petition and will publish it anytime soon. The group hopes that tens of thousands of American players, gambling online, will rush to support the petition. Rich Muny, VP of Player Relations, told online gambling news in United States: “I wish to thank the entire poker community for the outstanding work in telling our elected officials that we demand action on the online poker issue.”

He went on to add: “We as individuals have sent over 100,000 letters to lawmakers and made countless phone calls to lawmakers this year alone. We have also posted thousands of pro-poker statements to their Facebook walls, while also sending them thousands of pro-poker Twitter messages.”

Muny argues that such strong expression of support in favor of legalized online poker in USA will permanently stick with minds of lawmakers and provide pro-poker lobbyists with a strong advantage.

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