All Gambling Theories Collected – Good To Know In A Casino


Posted: September 3, 2024

Updated: September 3, 2024

  • Theories to understand gambling
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  • All gambling theories collected

Today we are going to have all gambling theories collected for you! Join us and learn everything you need to know about the theories that will give you some pretty amazing insight into how gambling should be handled. Of course, there are many different ways in which we can talk about gambling, but these theories will support most of your ideas, or rather, disprove your ideas.

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Today we will give you all the gambling theories collected, or at the very least some of the most important ones! Join us and learn more about the theoretical part of gambling games, which often comes up once someone has joined the gambling community, trying most of the games, and now they are trying to research means to win more. But how do you win more in gambling games? How to decrease your losses?

Well, the fastest answers to these on the internet will be a set of theories that are not always proven or even true. If you are interested in playing fair gambling games, then we highly recommend you browse our list of online casino sites in the US. Of course, make sure to keep gambling responsible. Despite the many strategies and theories listed here, gambling is ultimately a game of chance that can not be exploited.

Gambler’s Ruin And Fallacy – All Gambling Theories Collected

While these are two entirely different things, we believe that they are somehow connected. Let’s start with the standard Gambler’s Fallacy. The fallacy is a belief during gambling, which states that just by having an experience with something, it is going to modify the next experience. In reality, all gambling games are individual, and no experience will contribute to a better outcome unless it is a competitive gambling game (such as Texas Hold’Em) but even there, chance will be the primary factor.

To have the gambler’s ruin explained shortly: If two parties play a gambling game, inevitably the party with the significantly higher bank will win, as they have more attempts. Therefore, if you are not the casino itself, you should quit the moment you win. Because chances are the bank’s re-attempts will win the cash back, while you run out of assets. – If you are still interested in gambling, all you have to do is register at Ignition Casino.

Gambler's Ruin

Fibonacci Betting System

Let’s start our list where we had all gambling theories collected. The Fibonacci Betting System is a progressive betting strategy based on the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, for example, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc– In this system, a bettor increases their wager after a loss by moving one step forward in the sequence.

For example, if you lose a bet of 1 unit, your next bet would be 1 unit again; if you lose again, you’d bet 2 units, and so on. After a win, you move two steps back in the sequence. According to Technopedia, the sequence is the result of always adding the previous two numbers to determine the next number. This is a widely debated format, but many people are still using it.

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Card Counting – All Gambling Theories Collected

The next gambling theory is card counting in itself. Probably this is the only gambling strategy that makes sense the most, yet it is still unsure whether counting cards is truly efficient or not. Counting cards has become a default practice among professional gamblers, and there are some games, such as blackjack that give you the value of cards.

The theory of counting values essentially states that every part of the game has a mathematical deduction behind it. Since we are playing physical games, our attention and brain are sheltered from calculation possibilities. Understanding all contents from a card counting guide might unlock the ability to mentally take notes, acting like you are not taking notes. This way, you can use your mind as a math calculator.

How to count cards?

Martingale Betting System

As we are listing all the gambling theories collected, we reached one of the most popular, disliked, liked, and controversial ones at the same time. Before the internet mathematicians made a widespread effort to try and explain why the Martingale theory is not truly a system, and why the game remains a gigantic gamble, people religiously believed in it. Equally, some people religiously tried to disprove the validity of it. So, should you bother with the Martingale betting system? – Well, yes and no.

The martingale betting system states that sooner or later, if you are getting a repetitive pattern, then each added layer of the same pattern, will increase the chances of another. To give you an example: If you play a “red or black” game, betting on roulette. Then you might see an extremely rare phenomenon, where the history of results was: Red, red, red, red, red. The rarer the chance for another red is the likelihood of a black appearing increases. The only flaw of martingale is that you do not know when. You do not have an infinite budget to test it. Also, nothing guarantees that you will not experience a 10-red phenomenon, writing history in this rare occurrence.

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Mean Regression – All Gambling Theories Collected

Mean regression is one of the most interesting theories ever. Using it in gambling can be quite interesting. But first, let us take a look at what the Regression to the Mean theory is. According to Built In, an extreme event can make a normal event feel less meaningful. And this is exactly what applies to casinos. When you let’s say hit the jackpot of $1 million.

Then the next week, winning $10, $30, $5, $-40, $90, $100, is going to feel like you are no longer winning. This is a regression to the mean. You had an outstanding rare event, and now you can no longer find the same ecstasy granted by experiencing it, from smaller winnings. We believe this is a thing to understand, that can help you avoid problem gambling.

Regression to Mean in gambling

Hot Hand Fallacy

As we had most, or rather all gambling theories collected, we have reached one of the most dangerous theories in the world of gambling. According to Investopedia, the hot hand fallacy simply states that the more you win in a consecutive order, the more you will believe that your hand is hot, and thus, you will gamble until your hand is cold (losing).

This is not the best phenomenon, but the theory itself is greatly explaining how humans work. By avoiding the Hot Hand fallacy, you will learn when to quit after a good win, sparing your budget from the Gambler’s Ruin theory, and it will also help you avoid the Gambler’s Fallacy. To play the hottest slots, we highly recommend you simply register at Ignition Casino today!

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