United Kingdom to Review Online Gambling Advertisements

Posted: January 25, 2012

Updated: October 4, 2017

UK government seeks to review and possibly regulate UK's online gambling and sports betting industry.

The United Kingdom parliamentarians are looking to regulate the online casino and sports betting advertisements in Britain in ways similar to Australian politicians.

While not illegal under British gambling laws, sports betting and online casino advertisements are competing for British people’s attention.

This is not unusual given the appetite for gambling and betting on the island filled with physical sports betting outlets in most neighborhoods.

Cameron takes on gambling

According to United Kingdom gambling news, Prime Minister Cameron’s gambling speech makes online casinos and betting sites in Britain a bit less uncomfortable.

While calling a need for regulation, Cameron believes that it’s up to each individual gaming company and mobile casino in United Kingdom to be responsible for the advertising placed.

What will happen with gambling regulations in the United Kingdom is yet to be seen as even the ”Liberal” Democratic MP Teresa Munt wants a regulator to review television advertising to determine if there aren’t too many of gambling promotions.

As the British Parliament gambling discussions continue, it is possible that online casino industry will need to seek new ways to promote itself.

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